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Ward 4

The annual Soul Food Dinner is held the 4th Sunday in February of each year. The proceeds support various church programs and projects.

Ward Duties

  1. Ward 4 is assigned a specific Sunday to be in charge of the Sunday Morning Worship Service (Presiding, Holy Scripture Lesson, Invocation, etc.)

  2. One Wednesday night out of the month, Ward 4 is assigned lead responsibility in Prayer Service and Bible Study. 

  3. Provide aid to each sick member

  4. Provide aid to bereaved immediate family members.

Soul Food Dinner

Ward  Sponsored Event​​

The purpose of the Wards is to promote helpful Christian experiences and bring fellowship and union among the Church people.

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Save the Date

Sunday, February 25, 2018

12 Noon until 2 p.m.

$12 Donation


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